Where is the roadmap for the solution?

The solutions and improvements to Ecosystem are co-created with customers, therefore they are stakeholders and partners in the evolution of Ecosystem. The roadmap is shared with customers only.

Can I migrate my project from JIRA/Atlassian solutions to Ecosystem?

To correctly answer this question, one must search and think about the motivation behind this. If you’re looking to optimize cost, it is understandable, but migration projects are expensive, are time intensive and carry their own risk. So, if you see value, we will be...

Do you support JIRA?

The simple answer is No. We do not and do not intend to provide support for any issue task tracking system outside Ecosystem because we have a task/issue tracking systems which fit the needs of the industries according to the way people like to work. It is fully...

What is the pricing of the solution?

The pricing of the product depends on the geography in which you’re located and this is based on purchasing power parity. When the project was conceived the founder wanted to create a cost-effective solution. Ecosystem remains the most affordable solution across the...